Monday, 16 May 2011

Assumption is the mother of all...

There are only two weeks left before my chapter has to be in so the pressure is on. I've made up my mind that if I cannot make my deadlines I will give up the Master's, hide from those who have threatened me with death should I fail to complete the Master's, and start working again. So this morning I got up, meandered through the house and tried to wake up so I could write and be productive and generally virtuous.

Only to encounter... the irritable mother. As stated in my last post, Upcon ate up more time than anticipated. The nice bronchitis and the strong antibiotics also ensured that I was "'n nul op 'n kontrak" (literally, a zero on a contract or useless) last week. (Also why there were no gym updates.) So back to this morning. Groggy Dina gets her tea (the mother washes the dishes at me in the kitchen), switches on her notebook and opens Word (2007). The Force warns me of a malevolent presence at the living room door. I look up to see the mother giving me the evil eye.

At this point the virtue I aimed at is not yet in place. My Jedi powers are weak. I am neither a saint nor particularly awake so I demand what's wrong. Apparently my mother thought I was on Facebook (naturally, since she's an addict) and was angry because I "wasn't working on my Master's". At that point my modem wasn't even plugged in. The irony is that I'm now happily venting on my blog instead of working on the Master's. Oh well, such is life.


  1. Klink sooo bekend. Ons het ook 'n student in die huis, wat, nou ja, nie juis aan die gang kom met die boeke nie! Moet ek simpatie hĂȘ met jou of met jou arme ma - seker maar met julle albei!

  2. Ek is baie bly om te hoor dat dit nie net by ons huis gebeur nie :) Ek dink die gedeelde simpatie idee is die beste - veral omdat ons albei ewe lekker begin lag het nadat ons uitgewerk het wat die ander dink. Ek weet nie wat ek sonder tee sou doen vir sulke situasies nie.

  3. If you give up that masters I will hunt you down! Reals jobs are for sissys! ;)
